Nardy House Inc.

Business details
Business Description: 
NHI provides specialised respite and accommodation services to people aged 0-65 with profound physical disabilities Based in Bega,Nardy House provides permanent accommodation and respite to people with profound physical disabilities. Our specialised and highly skilled staff is bringing a new level of care to disability service provision in the Bega Valley. We proudly serve clients from as far away as the Southern Highlands, as well as interstate clients. We are seeing clients with very high support needs that require our nursing staff and CSW staff to upgrade their skills to be competent and confident in care provision. Our allocation panel meets regularly to cater for our increasing client base. The panel ensures that individual requests are catered for in a fair and equitable manner. We also keep our crisis bed available for emergency situations.

Accessilife Categories:

Provider Type: 
Registered with NDIS
NDIS Number: 

Registered In:

Contact Details
Business Address: 
11520 Princes Highway
Verona NSW 2550