Sendero Physiotherapy

Business details
Business Description: 
Mobile Physiotherapy 16 years and over. Therapy in the home/community: Intensive rehabilitation, low stream rehabilitation, exercise prescription for you to do independently at home. Outdoor therapy will be encouraged, conditions permitting. Falls prevention: Education, tailored exercises, prescription of equipment or modifications to the environment, training on getting up from the floor. Mobility assessments: In-depth gait assessment. Tailored exercises based on findings. Equipment prescription. LSVT BIG for Parkinson’s disease: Intensive 4-week exercise program specific to Parkinson’s disease, Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Multiple System Atrophy. Good Moves Parkinson’s disease group (PD Warrior program): Tuesday am in Glenelg. Upper limb function: Exercises towards increasing function of arms and hands, equipment prescription. Pilates (no machines): Education and exercise prescription of simple exercises that can be done at home. Pain management: Low back, neck, shoulder, wrists. Pain prevention, education and equipment prescription Hydrotherapy: exercise program prescription at facilities arranged by client. Postural assessments: Assessment and recommendation of appropriate bed/mattress and seating (wheelchairs, comfort chairs, recliners, etc). Prescription of equipment. Transfer assessments/plans: Education and training to family and carers. Transfer plans for carer agencies. Equipment prescription. Orthotics, splinting and custom shoes prescriptions Equipment prescription/Assistive Technology: Mobility aids (walkers and sticks), wheelchairs (basic and complex customised), lifters and slings, seating, cushions, shower chairs, toilet seat raisers.

Accessilife Categories:

Provider Type: 
Registered with NDIS

Registered In:

Contact Details
Business Address: 
Flagstaff Hill NT