Kids Are Kids! Therapy & Education Centre

Business details
Business Description: 
Kids Are Kids! is a not for profit organisation that has been operating for over 23 years, providing clinical psychology, speech pathology, physiotherapy and occupational therapy services to children with disabilities, and developmental needs, and their families. We provide high quality and affordable family-centred therapy services both at our centres in Bateman, Rockingham, Mandurah and Mount Barker and in children's homes, schools and other community settings to help all children meet their developmental potential. Our caring team of dedicated therapists work closely with families to achieve the best possible outcomes so that each child can reach their full potential. This is done through setting meaningful goals with each child and family, providing evidence based therapy to make a real difference in their lives. Therapy can be provided in individual and group settings. Kids Are Kids! are a registered service provider of NDIS, HCWA (Helping Children with Autism) and Better Start for Children with Disability. Services can also be accessed privately through our FFS (fee for service) program, health insurance and Medicare rebates may apply.
Provider Type: 
Registered with NDIS
NDIS Number: 

Registered In:

Contact Details
34 026 572 373
Business Address: 
26 Parry Avenue, Bateman, WA 6150
Bateman WA 6150