Wearable Words

Business details
Business Description: 
Wearable Words was started by Mary Lishomwa, and her daughter Abigail: a vibrant young lady with complex communication needs. Our initial goal was to provide affordable PODD books to the Australian AAC community. ​ Since then, our services have evolved to include Grid 3 support (especially for eye-gaze assistive technology), and creating customised aided language displays to support AAC users in any environment. ​ Our experience as a PODD speaking family gives us valuable insight as to how best to customise PODD page sets for any individual communicator in a way that will maximise their engagement with it, whilst ensuring that the principles and integrity of PODD are adhered to. We also offer customised Aided Language Displays and Wearable Words to support communicators in any environment. We specialise in supporting Speech Language Pathologists and other professionals as they work with their clients, and are always willing to lend a friendly ear to new families begin their ACC journey.

Accessilife Categories:

Provider Type: 
Not registered with NDIS
Contact Details
Business Address: