
Starfish Education Centre

Provider Details
Business Description: 
Starfish Education Centre is your one stop shop for educational and special needs resources. The Owner, Kirstie Wishart has her Masters in Special Education and her two main girls Erin and Enya are early childhood trained. Starfish has everything you need for your child to become the next Mastermind! From Maths and language/literacy to science resources, Starfish has it all! They also have an extensive range of items for children with special needs - such as chews, tents, ear muffs, fine motor activities, swings, weighted items and so much more! So give the girls a call today, or if you're in town pop in and say hi.
Business Address: 
Kiama NSW

The OT Plan

Provider Details
Business Description: 
Are you stuck on an OT waitlist? Do you want to access more therapy tools to use at home? Are you a parent of child who receives NDIS funding? Our OT at Home Therapy Kits are the perfect way to use your child's NDIS funds to support their therapy progress from home! Our kits are specially designed with fun and engaging games and exercises that target important skills that align with their NDIS goals from the comfort of your own home. Using your child's NDIS funding to purchase our kits is a great way to maximize their therapy progress and make the most of their funding. Plus, our kits are delivered straight to your door, making it easy and convenient to continue therapy at home. We currently offer kits targeted at addressing fine motor, gross motor and handwriting goals with the hopes to expand and develop a wider range of kits in the future. Visit our website to learn more about our home therapy kits!
Business Address: 
Wamberal NSW 2260